Home / Become a Mentor
“Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”
– Michelle Obama
Join The Team Of Mentors In Your Community
WHY Mentor?
Did you know just one caring adult invested in a young person’s life can make a huge impact on their ability to thrive for a lifetime? Perhaps that one caring adult could be you!
Mentors Like YOU
Prioritize the safety and well-being of youth.
Create a safe, supportive, and fun environment for youth to thrive.
Make meaningful and authentic connections with youth on a weekly basis.
Ask questions and listen to help youth communicate their interests, needs and goals.
Encourage youth to explore their interests and support their skill development.
Are open, honest, non-judgmental, and willing to share interests, skills and experiences.
Model safe, healthy, positive attitudes and behaviors.
Mentoring Benefits YOU, Too
Receive training and professional development on diverse topics to enhance both your professional and personal growth.
Attain satisfaction from helping youth explore interests, develop skills and thrive.
Establish meaningful, safe, and positive relationships with your mentees.
Expand your personal and professional network.
Help Us Prioritize the SAFETY and WELLBEING of Youth
Be 18 years or older.
Pass all required safety and background checks and screenings (including pre-screening application, interview, reference checks and assessment).
Reference a positive employment record.
Follow all organizational safety policies and procedures regarding appropriate youth contact.
Time Commitment
Attend a no less than one group session a month.
Attend “continuing education” mentor trainings.